Thursday, October 1, 2009
Major Comuter Tricks
How to move or close the start button!
1. Click on the Start button.
2. Press the Esc key.
3. Press the Alt and the - or dash keys at the same time.
4. This will give you a menu, you can move or close.
5. But if you move it you need to use the arrow keys and not the mouse.
6. When you get it where you want it, push the Enter button.
Aligning Drop-Down Menus to the Right
All dropdown menus can be aligned to the right.
This features becomes useful when trying to access menus with submenus that appear directly to the right.
1. Open the Registory editor (e.g. regedit.exe)
2. Goto \\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop
3. Create a string entry called "MenuDropAlignment"
4. Set its value to 1
5. Reboot
Adding AnyFolder and Mail to SendTo
Previous examples of adding items to the SendTo usually require editing the Registry. An easy way around this is to use the following methods.
1. Open the Explorer.
2. Go to \Windows\SendTo.
3. Right click in the right hand panel.
4. Select New / Text Document.
5. Name it anything with a .otherfolder extension.
When you want to send files to another folder:
1. Select the files with Explorer.
2. Right Click
3. Select Send to and the name you just created
4. You them have the option of copying or moving the file to a folder of your choice
To add Mail:
1. Open the Explorer
2. Go to \Windows\SendTo.
3. Right click in the right hand panel.
4. Select New / Text Document.
5. Name it anything with a .MapiMail extension (ignore any warnings about the file extension)
When you want to Mail files as attachments:
1. Select the files with Explorer.
2. Right Click.
3. Select Send to and the Mail name you just created.
4. This allows you to easily mail multiple files.
Ya Say ya Don't like Desktop Icons
How to Remove the InBox and Recycle Bin Icons from the Desktop
To remove the InBox from your desktop, without needing to run the Policy Editor:
1. Start Regedit
2. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ explorer \ Desktop \ NameSpace
3. Below that should be a few keys
4. Rename the key {00020D75-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}. I usually put another character before or after the curly braces.
5. Restart Windows and the InBox icon should be gone
6. You can do the same for any other items you don't to show such as the Recycle Bin or The Internet icons
Add The Device Manager To Your Desktop
This Is Really Cool
This allows you to quickly see all the devices attached to your computer.
This way you do not need to restart the computer. To add the Device Manager Icon:
1. Right click on an open area of your desktop.
2. Select New / Shortcut.
4. Replace C:\WINDOWS with whatever directory you installed Windows95.
5. Click on the Next box.
6. At the next dialog box type in Device Manager.
7. Click on the Finish when you are done.
Note: Replacing the 1 with a 3 will bring up the Performance Status.
Get To Your Desktop Fast And Easy
How To get to your Desktop when you have a lot of apps open!
1. Open a browser window (double-click on "My Computer")
2. If there is no toolbar, select View from the menu and select Toolbar.
3. Then from the dropdown list-box in the toolbar select desktop.
4. Now minimize it and forget about it.
5. To access your desktop just click the desktop window on the taskbar.
6. As long as you don't close the window when you shutdown, it will reopen when you start windows again.
Better yet: You can drag the Desktop folder to the start menu.
Then you just press Ctrl-ESC and click on Desktop, or type D. Bingo!
Ya Say Ya Don't Like Window Animation
You can shut off the animation displayed when you minimize and maximize windows. This makes navigating Windows 95 a little faster. Besides it make me rock in my seat.
1. Open Regedit
3. Control panel
4. Desktop
5. WindowMetrics
6. Right Mouse Click an empty space in the right pane.
7. Select new/string value.
8. Name the new value MinAnimate.
9. Doubleclick on the new string value (MinAnimate) and click on "Modify"
10. Enter a value of 0 for Off or 1 for On then hit
11. Close Regedit and all programs then reboot.
See Free Memory, File Sizes and More Useful Details
1. Open a DOS box
2. Go to the directory that you want to get specific info about, or if you just want to see memory info go to any directory (I use the root).
3. Type DIR /V
4. The /v argument stands for "verbose".
5. All sorts of good information comes up.
OR, Copy this cute little Batch File in notepad and "Save As" DV.BAT
Configuring the Start and Programs Menus
The items that appear on the Start and Programs menus are arranged alphabetically. To specify a different order, rename menu items to include a number as their first character. Renaming menu items in this way also enables users to start an application by pressing the number at the beginning of the application’s name.
To specify the order in which items on the Start or Programs menu appear
1. Right-click the Start button, and then click Open.
2. To specify the order of items at the top of the Start menu, skip to step 3.
To specify the order of items on the Programs menu, double-click the Applications folder.
To specify the order of items on a submenu of the Programs menu, double-click the Applications folder, and then double-click the folder that corresponds to the submenu.
3. Right-click the item that you want to appear first on the menu, and then click Rename.
4. Press HOME, type the number 1 followed by a space, and then press ENTER.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 using consecutive numbers until all the menu items that you want to arrange in a different order have been numbered.
For information about the following topics, see online Help:
Adding an application to the Start or Programs menu
Adding new submenus (or folders) to the Programs menu
Rearranging items on the Programs menu
Note Windows 95 adds your most recently used documents to the Documents menu or the Start menu. When you open a file in a Win32-based application, Windows 95 adds the data file to the Documents menu. Windows 95 does not add files to this list that were opened in a Win16-based application. However, if you double-click a document in Windows Explorer or My Computer, Windows 95 does add it to the list.
ShutDown Pc ShortCut
shutdown pc in fiew seconds one press "window key" and twice press alfabate "U key" thats it.
Keep smiling :)
How to connect your home computer from Remote location?
Using the Remote Desktop feature, you can connect your home
computer (host) from any other remote computer (client) and can
access all computer resources (installed programs, data and any
network resources). You can run any computer application on the
remote computer as you were running actually sitting in front of home
Follow the given steps to configure your computer to connect remote
To use this feature, you will need to be logged into your computer with
administrative rights.
To perform this task, first make sure your both computers are
connected to the internet.
First you have to configure the host computer that allows the users to
connect it remotely. On the host computer, right click on "My
computer" and click on Properties option.
Under the Remote tab, select the option "Allow users to connect
remotely to this computer" and click Ok button.
Now get the IP address of host computer (type the "ipconfig /all" on
the command prompt of host computer to find IP address).
Now make a connection on remote or client computer, click on Start
button, go to All Programs> Accessories, and Communications, then
click on Remote Desktop Connection, option. A Remote Desktop
Connection, dialog box will appear.
Click on Options button for detail configuration, under the General tab,
type the IP address of host computer in the Computer box and also
type username and password of host computer then click on Connect
button to make a connection to remote computer.
If your username and password is correct then a remote desktop
windows will appear.
Cure Adult Acne
Acne treatments consist of reducing sebum production, removing dead skin cells, and killing bacteria with topical drugs and oral medications. Treatment choice depends upon whether the acne is mild, moderate, or severe.
Alternative treatments for acne focus on self care: proper cleansing to keep the skin oil-free; eating a well-balanced diet high in fiber, zinc, and raw foods; and avoiding alcohol, dairy products, tobacco, caffeine, sugar, processed foods, and foods high in iodine, such as salt.
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NotePad Tips & Tricks
Notepad Tricks
First Trick
Step 1: Open Notepad
Step 2: Write following line in the notepad.
this app can break
Step 3: Save this file as xxx.txt
Step 4: Close the notepad.
Step 5: Open the file again.
Second Trick
1> Open Notepad
2> Enter four words separated by spaces, wherein the first word has 4 letters, the next two have three letters, and the last word has five letters
3> DON'T hit enter at the end of the line.
4> Save the file.
5> Close Notepad.
6> Reopen Notepad.
7> Open the file you just saved.
Third trick
Open a note pad
type Bush hid the facts
save that file,
close it
First Trick
Step 1: Open Notepad
Step 2: Write following line in the notepad.
this app can break
Step 3: Save this file as xxx.txt
Step 4: Close the notepad.
Step 5: Open the file again.
Second Trick
1> Open Notepad
2> Enter four words separated by spaces, wherein the first word has 4 letters, the next two have three letters, and the last word has five letters
3> DON'T hit enter at the end of the line.
4> Save the file.
5> Close Notepad.
6> Reopen Notepad.
7> Open the file you just saved.
Third trick
Open a note pad
type Bush hid the facts
save that file,
close it
Firefox Tricks
(1) Keyboard shortcuts. This is where you become a real Jedi. It just takes a little while to learn these, but once you do, your browsing will be super fast. Here are some of the most common (and my personal favs):
* Spacebar (page down)
* Shift-Spacebar (page up)
* Ctrl+F (find)
* Alt-N (find next)
* Ctrl+D (bookmark page)
* Ctrl+T (new tab)
* Ctrl+K (go to search box)
* Ctrl+L (go to address bar)
* Ctrl+= (increase text size)
* Ctrl+- (decrease text size)
* Ctrl-W (close tab)
* F5 (reload)
* Alt-Home (go to home page)
(2) Auto-complete. This is another keyboard shortcut, but it’s not commonly known and very useful. Go to the address bar (Control-L) and type the name of the site without the “www” or the “.com”. Let’s say “google”. Then press Control-Enter, and it will automatically fill in the “www” and the “.com” and take you there – like magic! For .net addresses, press Shift-Enter, and for .org addresses, press Control-Shift-Enter.
(3) Tab navigation. Instead of using the mouse to select different tabs that you have open, use the keyboard. Here are the shortcuts:
* Ctrl+Tab (rotate forward among tabs)
* Ctrl+Shft+Tab (rotate to the previous tab)
* Ctrl+1-9 (choose a number to jump to a specific tab)
(4) Mouse shortcuts. Sometimes you’re already using your mouse and it’s easier to use a mouse shortcut than to go back to the keyboard. Master these cool ones:
* Middle click on link (opens in new tab)
* Shift-scroll down (previous page)
* Shift-scroll up (next page)
* Ctrl-scroll up (decrease text size)
* Ctrl-scroll down (increase text size)
* Middle click on a tab (closes tab)
(5) Delete items from address bar history. Firefox’s ability to automatically show previous URLs you’ve visited, as you type, in the address bar’s drop-down history menu is very cool. But sometimes you just don’t want those URLs to show up (I won’t ask why). Go to the address bar (Ctrl-L), start typing an address, and the drop-down menu will appear with the URLs of pages you’ve visited with those letters in them. Use the down-arrow to go down to an address you want to delete, and press the Delete key to make it disappear.
(6) User chrome. If you really want to trick out your Firefox, you’ll want to create a UserChrome.css file and customize your browser. It’s a bit complicated to get into here, but check out this tutorial.
(7) Create a user.js file. Another way to customize Firefox, creating a user.js file can really speed up your browsing. You’ll need to create a text file named user.js in your profile folder (see this to find out where the profile folder is) and see this example user.js file that you can modify. Created by, this example explains some of the things you can do in its comments.
(8) about:config. The true power user’s tool, about.config isn’t something to mess with if you don’t know what a setting does. You can get to the main configuration screen by putting about:config in the browser’s address bar. See Mozillazine’s about:config tips and screenshots.
(9) Add a keyword for a bookmark. Go to your bookmarks much faster by giving them keywords. Right-click the bookmark and then select Properties. Put a short keyword in the keyword field, save it, and now you can type that keyword in the address bar and it will go to that bookmark.
(10) Speed up Firefox. If you have a broadband connection (and most of us do), you can use pipelining to speed up your page loads. This allows Firefox to load multiple things on a page at once, instead of one at a time (by default, it’s optimized for dialup connections). Here’s how:
* Type “about:config” into the address bar and hit return. Type “network.http” in the filter field, and change the following settings (double-click on them to change them):
* Set “network.http.pipelining” to “true”
* Set “network.http.proxy.pipelining” to “true”
* Set “network.http.pipelining.maxrequests” to a number like 30. This will allow it to make 30 requests at once.
* Also, right-click anywhere and select New-> Integer. Name it “nglayout.initialpaint.delay” and set its value to “0″. This value is the amount of time the browser waits before it acts on information it receives.
(11) Limit RAM usage. If Firefox takes up too much memory on your computer, you can limit the amount of RAM it is allowed to us. Again, go to about:config, filter “browser.cache” and select “browser.cache.disk.capacity”. It’s set to 50000, but you can lower it, depending on how much memory you have. Try 15000 if you have between 512MB and 1GB ram.
(12) Reduce RAM usage further for when Firefox is minimized. This setting will move Firefox to your hard drive when you minimize it, taking up much less memory. And there is no noticeable difference in speed when you restore Firefox, so it’s definitely worth a go. Again, go to about:config, right-click anywhere and select New-> Boolean. Name it “config.trim_on_minimize” and set it to TRUE. You have to restart Firefox for these settings to take effect.
(13) Move or remove the close tab button. Do you accidentally click on the close button of Firefox’s tabs? You can move them or remove them, again through about:config. Edit the preference for “browser.tabs.closeButtons”. Here are the meanings of each value:
* 0: Display a close button on the active tab only
* 1:(Default) Display close buttons on all tabs
* 2:Don’t display any close buttons
* 3:Display a single close button at the end of the tab bar (Firefox 1.x behavior)
pembroke pines locksmith
Do they need someone with a BSc Computer Science or someone who is an expert software developer? I have been writing cutting edge enterprise software for 8 years + now, and I do not have a BSc Computer Science (not even close). I do however have a Bachelor of Arts (Humanities) degree obtained from the same institution (English, French, Geography). So that means I do not qualify??now, and I do not have a BSc Computer Science (not even close). I do however have a Bachelor of Arts (Humanities) degree obtained from the same institution (English, French, Geography). So that means I do not qualify??
* Spacebar (page down)
* Shift-Spacebar (page up)
* Ctrl+F (find)
* Alt-N (find next)
* Ctrl+D (bookmark page)
* Ctrl+T (new tab)
* Ctrl+K (go to search box)
* Ctrl+L (go to address bar)
* Ctrl+= (increase text size)
* Ctrl+- (decrease text size)
* Ctrl-W (close tab)
* F5 (reload)
* Alt-Home (go to home page)
(2) Auto-complete. This is another keyboard shortcut, but it’s not commonly known and very useful. Go to the address bar (Control-L) and type the name of the site without the “www” or the “.com”. Let’s say “google”. Then press Control-Enter, and it will automatically fill in the “www” and the “.com” and take you there – like magic! For .net addresses, press Shift-Enter, and for .org addresses, press Control-Shift-Enter.
(3) Tab navigation. Instead of using the mouse to select different tabs that you have open, use the keyboard. Here are the shortcuts:
* Ctrl+Tab (rotate forward among tabs)
* Ctrl+Shft+Tab (rotate to the previous tab)
* Ctrl+1-9 (choose a number to jump to a specific tab)
(4) Mouse shortcuts. Sometimes you’re already using your mouse and it’s easier to use a mouse shortcut than to go back to the keyboard. Master these cool ones:
* Middle click on link (opens in new tab)
* Shift-scroll down (previous page)
* Shift-scroll up (next page)
* Ctrl-scroll up (decrease text size)
* Ctrl-scroll down (increase text size)
* Middle click on a tab (closes tab)
(5) Delete items from address bar history. Firefox’s ability to automatically show previous URLs you’ve visited, as you type, in the address bar’s drop-down history menu is very cool. But sometimes you just don’t want those URLs to show up (I won’t ask why). Go to the address bar (Ctrl-L), start typing an address, and the drop-down menu will appear with the URLs of pages you’ve visited with those letters in them. Use the down-arrow to go down to an address you want to delete, and press the Delete key to make it disappear.
(6) User chrome. If you really want to trick out your Firefox, you’ll want to create a UserChrome.css file and customize your browser. It’s a bit complicated to get into here, but check out this tutorial.
(7) Create a user.js file. Another way to customize Firefox, creating a user.js file can really speed up your browsing. You’ll need to create a text file named user.js in your profile folder (see this to find out where the profile folder is) and see this example user.js file that you can modify. Created by, this example explains some of the things you can do in its comments.
(8) about:config. The true power user’s tool, about.config isn’t something to mess with if you don’t know what a setting does. You can get to the main configuration screen by putting about:config in the browser’s address bar. See Mozillazine’s about:config tips and screenshots.
(9) Add a keyword for a bookmark. Go to your bookmarks much faster by giving them keywords. Right-click the bookmark and then select Properties. Put a short keyword in the keyword field, save it, and now you can type that keyword in the address bar and it will go to that bookmark.
(10) Speed up Firefox. If you have a broadband connection (and most of us do), you can use pipelining to speed up your page loads. This allows Firefox to load multiple things on a page at once, instead of one at a time (by default, it’s optimized for dialup connections). Here’s how:
* Type “about:config” into the address bar and hit return. Type “network.http” in the filter field, and change the following settings (double-click on them to change them):
* Set “network.http.pipelining” to “true”
* Set “network.http.proxy.pipelining” to “true”
* Set “network.http.pipelining.maxrequests” to a number like 30. This will allow it to make 30 requests at once.
* Also, right-click anywhere and select New-> Integer. Name it “nglayout.initialpaint.delay” and set its value to “0″. This value is the amount of time the browser waits before it acts on information it receives.
(11) Limit RAM usage. If Firefox takes up too much memory on your computer, you can limit the amount of RAM it is allowed to us. Again, go to about:config, filter “browser.cache” and select “browser.cache.disk.capacity”. It’s set to 50000, but you can lower it, depending on how much memory you have. Try 15000 if you have between 512MB and 1GB ram.
(12) Reduce RAM usage further for when Firefox is minimized. This setting will move Firefox to your hard drive when you minimize it, taking up much less memory. And there is no noticeable difference in speed when you restore Firefox, so it’s definitely worth a go. Again, go to about:config, right-click anywhere and select New-> Boolean. Name it “config.trim_on_minimize” and set it to TRUE. You have to restart Firefox for these settings to take effect.
(13) Move or remove the close tab button. Do you accidentally click on the close button of Firefox’s tabs? You can move them or remove them, again through about:config. Edit the preference for “browser.tabs.closeButtons”. Here are the meanings of each value:
* 0: Display a close button on the active tab only
* 1:(Default) Display close buttons on all tabs
* 2:Don’t display any close buttons
* 3:Display a single close button at the end of the tab bar (Firefox 1.x behavior)
pembroke pines locksmith
Do they need someone with a BSc Computer Science or someone who is an expert software developer? I have been writing cutting edge enterprise software for 8 years + now, and I do not have a BSc Computer Science (not even close). I do however have a Bachelor of Arts (Humanities) degree obtained from the same institution (English, French, Geography). So that means I do not qualify??now, and I do not have a BSc Computer Science (not even close). I do however have a Bachelor of Arts (Humanities) degree obtained from the same institution (English, French, Geography). So that means I do not qualify??
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